Other lists and registers

Individual lists and registers

In the GDPR Risk Tracker application, it is possible to create individual lists and registers of activities perfectly tailored to the needs and processes of a specific organization. It is through personalized data that the user provides an accurate and detailed description of the analyzed activity, which will be used to create the Register of Processing Activities.

Additionally, the user receives a tool enabling the determination of important parameters for each of the analyzed activities, which are used to calculate the data weight, one of the factors influencing risk, a very important factor from the point of view of the GDPR. This element also allows you to compare the complexity, complexity and importance of individual activities in relation to each other and for the entire functioning of the organization.

Create an activity

GDPR Risk Tracker enables the creation of activities of both the Controller and the Processor, or to put it another way, it enables the creation of a Register of Processing Activities and a Register of Categories of Processing Activities. Thanks to this, regardless of whether the Administrator analyzes its processes - its own, i.e. those in which it decides on the purpose of processing, shapes its nature and scope, or whether it is a contractor and carries out activities commissioned by other Administrators (i.e. it is a Processor), - it is possible to create a comprehensive and complete list of processes.

Our application allows you to create a detailed list of personal data that the Administrator or Processor processes as part of the analyzed activity. The effect of this operation should be a complete list of information fields, along with the system indicating their significance and information whether these fields constitute special category data referred to in Art. 9 section 1 GDPR (so-called sensitive data) or data regarding convictions and prohibited acts or related security measures, indicated in Art. 10 GDPR.

GDPR Risk Tracker - a comprehensive GDPR risk analysis tool

One of our primary goals when creating our risk analysis tool was to prepare representative data sets so that those completing the analyzes do not have to think about where to get this data and what type they should be, but only focus on it. what is most important in a given step, i.e. the description of your processes. That's why GDPR Risk Tracker contains a list of several hundred representative data types that you can use. Data prepared on the basis of dozens of audits and implementations. Of course, if you think that a certain data type is not in the predefined list, you can add your own fields in the dictionaries section.